5 Stand Sporting Shoot


Saturday, September 17, 2016




Thomasville, GA

Hosted by Rick Leverich and Sheree Lucerno

What is 5 Stand sport shooting?

5 Stand is a type of shotgun sport shooting similar to sporting clays, trap and skeet. There are five stations, or stands and six to eighteen strategically placed clay target throwers(called traps). Shooters shoot in turn at various combinations of clay birds. Each station will have a menu card that lets the shooter know the sequence of clay birds he or she will be shooting at (i.e. which trap the clay bird will be coming from). The shooter is presented with 5 targets at each station, first a single bird followed by two pairs. Pairs can be either “report pairs,” in which the second bird will be launched after the shooter fires at the first; or “true pairs” when both birds launch at the same time. After shooting at the 5 birds on the menu at that station, the shooter proceeds to the next stand, where they find a new menu of 5 targets.

Typical five stand targets are a rabbit, chandelle, overhead, standard skeet high house and low house shots, teal (launched straight up into the air), trap (straight ahead from ground level), and an incoming bird.


Rotation starts at 9am – Brunch served

Limited to 40 participants

Pre-registration required by 4pm on Friday, September 16th


Five Stand Shoot – 50 targets

Any gauge gun, 1-ounce shot or less

$100 Entry Fee

Rules will be provided upon inquiry/registration.

Prizes award to:

1st place – $500, engraved Yeti cup 

2nd place – $300, engraved Yeti cup

3rd place – $200, engraved Yeti cup

10th place – engraved Yeti cup

To register for 5 Stand Sporting Shoot, click here.

Winners will be announced at the 19th Annual Kate Ireland Memorial Dinner & Auction on Sunday, September 18th, Glen Arven Country Club – tickets additional – Register online at talltimbers.org

For More Information

Contact: Dale Fuller, Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy
850-893-4153 ext. 343 | dfuller@ttrs.org

Benefiting Tall Timbers Foundation, Inc

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