Gentian Creek has been under a Tall Timbers conservation easement since 2016. The roughly 250-acre...

Jones Tenant Farm among stops for national historical program
By Anne McCudden, Executive Director of the Thomasville History Center Tall Timbers was honored to...
Native snakes susceptible to northern spread of invasive lung parasites
By Cat Wigen, Biological Monitoring intern As invasive Burmese pythons make their way through...
Does gopher tortoise health impact burrow use by wildlife?
by Anna Maria, visiting student researcher 7:00 a.m. A squirrel! I can't believe I just saw a...
The Red Quail Mystery
Red Quail, Revisited: How Herbert Stoddard’s Specimens are Helping Solve a Centuries-Old Bobwhite...
Saving Rare Plants
Saving the Rare Plants of the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem By Jeff Glitzenstein, PhD, originally...
All Hail the Handler
By Durrell Smith, published in the 2022 Tall Timbers eJournal. Special thanks to Jon Kohler &...