
Fall 2015 | Vol 8 | No 4

Florida Beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum) an herb in the pea/bean family, also known as “Dixie Ticktrefoil” or simply “Beggar-tick” or “Beggar-lice,” is one of many (~76) beggarweed species.
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The Fire Ecology Program has launched the Tall Timbers Dendrochronology Lab. Dendrochronology is the study of tree rings to reconstruct aspects of the history of an area, including the fire regime recorded by fire scars, as well as climatic patterns reflected by tree growth patterns.
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With the loss of millions of acres of longleaf pine forest in the southeast, there has been a push in natural resource management to reestablish this species in old field and native groundcover systems. An added benefit is that longleaf carry fire easier then old field pines, an imperative tool to manage both systems.
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We are happy to introduce Mr. Reggie Thackston as the new Regional Game Bird Biologist. He is no newcomer to Tall Timbers or to bobwhite restoration and management.
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