
September 2014 | Vol 7 | No 3

Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy has achieved renewed land trust accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance, of which Tall Timbers is a member.
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Assessing reproduction at the breeding season midpoint is our first reliable indicator for forecasting fall recruitment and getting an idea of hunting population levels.
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Watching your kid stepping out the front door for good can break a parent’s heart. The big step can also be cause for subdued celebration, depending on the kid of course.
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The infamous boll weevil brought hardship to many in the 1920s but this misfortune paved the way for the Livingston family to purchase and establish what is today known as Dixie Plantation.  Dixie is an diverse 9,100-acre property located in Jefferson County, Florida and situated on the outer banks of the Aucilla River.
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Join us as we celebrate the bounty of the Red Hills region. Make plans now to attend this unique culinary event as we present true farm-to-fork dining from the harvest of the Red Hills region.
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