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Winter 2015 | Vol 8 | No 1
Tall Timbers is proud to announce the official opening of the Webster Art Gallery in the historic Beadel House. The second floor gallery exhibits watercolors from the Tallahassee Area Watercolor Society (TAWS) three times each year.
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all Timbers applauds the U.S. House of Representatives, which voted to pass the America Gives More Act of 2015 (H.R. 644). The bill, which contained a key incentive for land conservation, passed on February 12 by 279-137, reflecting 67% support.
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Over the past 47 years the Game Bird Program has been capturing, banding and releasing wild quail which marks the longest running band-recapture study of any game bird in the world.
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The lives of young animals are often shrouded in secret. Young animals rarely call attention to themselves and frequently are difficult to see simply because they are much smaller than adults.
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