Vol. 4 | No. 6 | December 2011
How your membership helps
By Vann Middleton, Director of Operations & Support
Did you know that over 85% of your gift to the Tall Timbers Membership Program goes directly to on the ground support of our Research, Conservation and Education programs? In this day and age where all non-profits are carefully scrutinized for the amount of administrative and fundraising costs in relation to dollars contributed, Tall Timbers is proud to rank among the most efficient charitable organizations in the country.
While administrative costs are a part of operating most any non-profit, Tall Timbers strives to ensure our donors that 89 cents of every dollar given to our membership program goes directly to the programs that they aim to support. We greatly appreciate the generous support provided by all of our members and donors. The success of Tall Timbers relies on the continued support of people like you. As a charitable organization, we hold ourselves accountable to all who have made an investment in our future. Tall Timbers is committed to efficiently managing the financial resources that have been bestowed upon us.
Our pledge to you as a member is to be fiscally responsible stewards of your investment while ensuring that your gift makes a direct impact on the programs for which it was intended.
With only a few short weeks left in 2011, our annual Membership campaign is drawing to a close. We have an ambitious goal of $400,000 for the year. With your help and participation, we can reach that goal. Please consider renewing your financial support today. You can do so securely online at: http://www.talltimbers.org/membership.html. If you have already done so, we hope that you might consider giving a gift of membership to a friend or colleague that you think would enjoy the benefits of becoming a member.
In this time of giving, we wish to give thanks to each and every one of you who have given of your time, talents and treasure to Tall Timbers in 2011.
Happy Holidays!