Vol 5 | No 3 | August 2012
Land managers learn at lunch
By Theron Terhune, Outreach & Education Coordinator
Earlier this summer we hosted the first of a new series of land managers’ luncheons. The topic for the luncheon was the "Integration of GIS and GPS into Land Management". We discussed current GIS technology, the current and future use of various GPS units, and how to use this information/technology to collect data and help inform everyday land management decisions. We explained how to create maps with free on-line software as well as how to put background images on GPS units.
Land Managers Luncheon a success
I have to say that I was blown away by the response and interest in this first luncheon – more than 50 landowners, land managers, biologists, and/or Tall Timbers' members attended. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event a success!! A pervading question going into this first luncheon was: Should we have more Land Managers Luncheons in the future? After receiving feedback and comments about these luncheons, it is apparent that, indeed, we should continue to provide this opportunity for our members and constituents. As a result, we hope to have 3 – 4 luncheons a year (about one each quarter).
So, now the question is: What topics should be covered? We have already scheduled our next Land Manager's Luncheon; it will be September 7. The topic of this luncheon will be on a new and very cool software application called CoveyIQ. Tall Timbers has partnered with CoveyIQ to bring you the latest and greatest technology that allows wild quail plantations and land managers to collect and archive relevant quail hunting information, such as coveys found, dogs pointed, and number of birds harvested. The software provides a nice, user-friendly platform for entering data and evaluating hunting success. More information and details will be provided in the next couple of weeks via the Tall Timbers website, so stay tuned, but mark your calendars now. We hope to see you there!
We want to hear from you: What would you like a future land managers’ luncheon to discuss? What are you most interested in learning more about? Send your Land Managers Luncheon idea to Theron.
Landowners and managers who attended the June 26 learn and lunch event taught by Theron Terhune and Joe Noble.