Land Managers Luncheon

Next month, the Tall Timbers Outreach Program is hosting the first Land Managers Luncheon, Wednesday, June 6, 2012* at Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy. These luncheons are geared toward providing landowners, land managers, and other natural resource professionals an opportunity to learn about and discuss relevant land management information and techniques.

The topic for the upcoming June 6 luncheon is the Integration of GPS and GIS into Land Management. There are literally dozens of different units available for purchase today. We will discuss the plethora of GPS units options, their cost and their overall utility to perform everyday land management tasks such as mapping feed lines, roads, or deer stands. We will also review techniques to upload and download waypoints and tracks to/from GPS units as well as how to use this data to create a map. Finally, we will demonstrate how to put a background map on commonly used GPS units. Most importantly, we aim to have a good time and we look forward to hearing from you about all the great things happening for quail and other species in region.

Please register soon as there are only 25 spots available for this luncheon. The cost for current Tall Timbers members is only $10 and the cost for non-members is $55. Lunch will be provided as part of registration fee. To register contact Lisa Baggett via email or phone (850-893-4153, ext. 241). For more information please see the announcement flyer below or contact Lisa.

We hope to see ya there!

*Please note, there are only a few seats left for the June 6 luncheon, however another luncheon is planned for Tuesday, June 26.

– Tall Timbers Staff

Announcement flyer

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