Livingston Place

Research & Extension Services

Livingston Place is an important part of Tall Timbers Research, hosting projects involving prescribed fire, wildlife species of conservation concern, and game bird research.
Livingston Place is operated as a wild quail hunting property. With this in mind, the research conducted on Livingston Place is well positioned to answer questions that are directly applicable to other wild quail properties throughout the Red Hills region. Livingston Place expands the capacity of Tall Timbers’ Game Bird Program to conduct high quality scientific research, while also answering pragmatic questions that benefit our neighbors. A few examples include testing the efficacy of varying chemical treatments on bahiagrass reduction, identifying bobwhite brood habitat use in an agricultural landscape, and evaluating the effects of varying supplemental feedline densities and feed rate on breeding season bobwhite demographics. Replication and longterm data are critical to maximizing the power of conclusions; Livingston Place provides Tall Timbers the ability to attain both.

While research plays a significant role in the Game Bird Program’s mission on Livingston Place, outreach and extension are equally important. Game Bird staff on Livingston Place are dedicated to ensuring that landowners interested in managing for wild bobwhite are provided science-based technical guidance to help achieve their land stewardship goals.

Research & Extension Services
Research & Extension Services
Expanding endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers in the Red Hills region using translocation and inserting artificial cavities. Woodpecker biologist Rob Meyer, with the Stoddard Bird Lab, removed a pair of Red-cockaded Woodpecker hatchlings from a cavity tree on Livingston Place to weigh and band them. This research is sponsored by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Photo by Rose Rodriguez