Game Birds

Consider conservative harvest numbers for managing bobwhite

Consider conservative harvest numbers for managing bobwhite

Quail managers spend considerable effort and expense to produce populations of bobwhite. Having large areas of habitat is critical to ensure that bobwhite populations can be sustained over time. However, since most managers are producing bobwhite for hunting, careful consideration of bobwhite harvest is also important, yet sometimes neglected.

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Managing and mitigating bobwhite quail diseases

Managing and mitigating bobwhite quail diseases

With the recent outbreaks of avian influenza in waterfowl across the United States as well as heightened attention and concern regarding bobwhite parasites, discussions of disease have been a common topic among hunting parties this season. The following is a brief summary of interpreting disease findings, common diseases of bobwhite, and what a manager can do to mitigate their risks.

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Wild quail hunting safety video

Wild quail hunting safety video

If you are a landowner looking for a simple hunting safety orientation for your guests, or if you have been invited to participate in a southern quail hunt, this video is available to meet your needs. In under eight minutes, we cover the safety basics and common...

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