Meet our new Outreach Coordinator

Tall Timbers is pleased to introduce Dr. Theron M. Terhune, our new Outreach Coordinator, who officially joined our staff  October 1. Establishing this position is a goal of our 2010-2019 Strategic Plan to develop effective outreach, education and communication programs…. With Dr. Terhune at the helm, we are excited to embark on the expansion of our outreach, extension and education efforts.Theron Terhune

Some of you may already be familiar with Theron, despite his rather unfamiliar name, through his involvement with Tall Timbers at varying levels during the past 10 years. He received both a Bachelor of Science and Master’s Degree in Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University. However, prior to starting his graduate work, Theron worked for Pineland Plantation and the Albany Quail Project, where he gained invaluable field experience implementing basic habitat management actions, such as prescribed burning and woodland management, as well as assisting with traditional quail hunting on the property.

For his Master’s research, Theron worked with Clay Sisson, at the Albany Quail Project, investigating male bobwhite call counts in relation to timing of nest-incubation and fall population size. In 2008, Theron graduated from the University of Georgia (UGA) with a PhD in Forestry and Natural Resources; there, his dissertation research focused on the "Effects of Translocation on Population Genetics and Demographics of a Northern Bobwhite Population Located in a Fragmented Landscape in Southwest Georgia." Theron’s translocation research, conducted in cooperation with Clay Sisson, Bill Palmer and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, served as the impetus for the development of many state-initiated translocation protocols, whereby findings from his work provide the scientific underpinnings for many of the criteria stipulated within these protocols. More recently during 2008-2010, Dr. Terhune served as a post-doctorate scholar here at Tall Timbers working with Dr. Bill Palmer to revise the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, a national strategic plan for recovering bobwhites and grassland songbirds range-wide.

Perhaps as unique as his name, Theron has a broad set of research interests, expertise, and hobbies, far too many to name here (you can read more about Theron and other Tall Timbers staff on our "new" website). He enjoys many kinds of hunting, especially traditional bow hunting, fishing and generally just being outdoors. As you will quickly learn, Theron loves to help folks so feel free to contact him with any of your outreach-, extension-, or education-related needs!

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