Welcome to Tall Timbers

Our Mission and Philosophy

The mission of Tall Timbers is to foster exemplary land
stewardship through research, conservation and education.

Our primary research focus is the ecology and management of fire-dependent ecosystems, and its wildlife, including bobwhite quail, in the Southeastern Coastal Plain. Our conservation efforts are dedicated to helping protect the distinctive, rural landscape of South Georgia and North Florida and its traditional land uses. Our education program transfers research and conservation information for resource management.

Defining Exemplary Land Stewardship

Exemplary Land Stewardship (ELS) balances ecological values and economic utility within a framework of long-term conservation. The foundation of ELS on upland habitats in the Southeastern Coastal Plain is the frequent use of prescribed fire to manage for bobwhite, selection timber harvest, other traditional land uses and biodiversity. Scenic, open, multi-aged forest structures are fundamental to ELS.

Land Ethic Philosophy

Tall Timbers’ land ethic philosophy is published here to explain what the organization believes in, and therefore strives to accomplish. These statements are what drives Tall Timbers, and what dictates involvement in wildlife research and conservation projects.

We believe that sustainable, consumptive uses of wildlife and natural resources are compatible with maintaining natural diversity.

We believe in developing and maintaining longterm studies/research, including use of fire as a necessary land management tool.

We believe in promoting natural diversity.

We believe in promoting management actions that mimic ecosystem processes in natural, and old field systems.

We believe in producing reliable knowledge that is applicable to Land Management.

We believe in protecting outstanding examples of natural ecosystems and all their components.

We believe that economic, social and ecological factors are interrelated components of good land stewardship.

We believe that few of the remaining wildlands in the Southeast are self-perpetuating.

We believe that the Red Hills region is an outstanding example of a working landscape and can serve as a model for resource management and conservation elsewhere.

We believe in protecting the ecological, scenic, and historical values of the Red Hills region and its traditional land uses.

We believe in respecting the rights and recognizing the responsibilities of private property ownership.