Spring 2021 | Vol 14 | No 1
National Prescribed Fire Training Center moves to Tall Timbers
Cooperation between Tall Timbers and the National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center (PFTC) just took a huge stride forward. PFTC is now located at Tall Timbers. The offices and equipment previously located on the grounds of the Tallahassee Airport have been moved to their new home on the Tall Timbers’ campus.
The advantages for both organizations are clear. Trainees that attend PFTC sessions will benefit from exposure to Tall Timbers research, as well as the state-of-the-art land management practiced onsite. Tall Timbers will gain further opportunities to help deliver fire science through training, additional national presence as the home of the National Prescribed Fire Training Center, and added prospects for collaborating on projects. For example, Tall Timbers and PFTC have already started working together to produce a training video on techniques for ignitions in southern pinewoods.
Tall Timbers and PFTC have a long history of cooperation. When the Center started in 1998, Tall Timbers was one of the earliest organizations to offer support and training for PFTC’s attendees. Since its inception, PFTC has hosted students from across the country and globe to come to the southeastern US to learn about and experience prescribed fire. There have been attendees from 49 of the 50 states (still waiting on that student from Rhode Island), and 18 foreign countries − from Australia to Trinidad.
Today, PFTC holds five 20-day training sessions for fire practitioners, and two 6-day workshops for Agency Administrators such as Refuge Managers, Park Superintendents, and National Forest District Rangers to learn about managing or building an active prescribed fire program. The Center is also engaged in international training, most recently in Australia, Portugal and Mexico.
To learn more about the National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center visit https://www.nafri.gov/pftc