New Regional Game Bird Biologist Joins Tall Timbers

Reggie ThackstonWe are happy to introduce Mr. Reggie Thackston as the new Regional Game Bird Biologist. He is no newcomer to Tall Timbers or to bobwhite restoration and management. Reggie recently retired from 30 years with the Georgia DNR, Wildlife Resources Division where he served as the Private Lands Program Manager and Bobwhite Quail Project Leader. In this position, he worked closely with Tall Timbers and the Game Bird Program to integrate science-based bobwhite management into policy and planning efforts at the state, regional and national levels. He is a wealth of knowledge, owns and trains bird dogs, and is an avid quail and turkey hunter.

Reggie’s primary focus will be in the Carolina’s aiding landowners, land managers and biologists with the management and monitoring of northern bobwhite quail. Reggie has already hit the ground running, visiting properties in South and North Carolina and conducting covey call counts. He will continue to provide technical assistance to landowners and land managers as well as help to develop a series of training workshops. I am excited to have Reggie join the Game Bird Program and look forward to expanding our footprint to the Carolina region!

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