Vol 6 | No 2 | August 2013
Nonami Plantation will host the 2013 Fall Field Day
Save the date: Friday, October 25
Nonami Plantation will host the 2013 Fall Field Day on Friday, October 25. Nonami is a 9,000-acres quail hunting plantation on the Flint River, just south of Albany. GA. The property is owned by Ted Turner and managed by Ray Pearce. It has a high Intensity quail management program and is one of the premier places in the Albany area.
At Fall Field Day, the outlook for the 2013/2014 quail hunting season will be discussed as well as other land management topics and the results from our recent quail research. A field tour of the property will be followed by lunch. Check-in and late registration begin at 7:30 AM. The field day adjourns at 1 PM.
Registration information will be mailed at the end of September and will also be available on our website at that time.