Welcome to Tall Timbers

Partnerships and Collaborations

Prescribed Fire Science Consortium

Tall Timbers hosts the Prescribed Fire Science Consortium, a national network of researchers and managers promoting integrated research and management to advance next generation tools for fire practitioners. Annually, fire science researchers and managers from around the country gather at Tall Timbers to work on the questions and potential solutions to increasing the use of prescribed fire. The ability to meet face to face, share ideas, and build new partnerships is an important part of this gathering of fire experts from around the country.

Prescribed Burning

Prescribed Fire Training Center

The mission of the national interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center (PFTC) is to provide opportunities for federal, state, local and tribal government agencies and other organizations to build skills and knowledge of prescribed fire, with an emphasis on field experience. PFTC is a unique program blending maximum field prescribed burning experience with a flexible curriculum of classroom instruction on foundational topics for prescribed fire practitioners.

The PFTC is headquartered in Tallahassee, Florida. Training locations are dispersed throughout Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Attendees travel to remote sites during their stay to take advantage of prescribed burning and learning opportunities with a variety of agencies, fuel types, and challenges such as urban interface. For more visit https://www.fws.gov/fire/pftc/

Prescribed Fire Training Center

FRAMES Southern Fire Portal

The Southern Fire Portal (SFP) provides information about fire science and technology relevant to the southern United States. This 13 state area includes Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, as well as Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Our goal is to provide “one-stop shopping” for resource managers, decision makers, scientists, students, and communities who want access to the results of efforts to understand and manage fire and fuels on lands in the southern United States. For more information click here.

Fire and Research And Management Exchange System

Southern Fire Exchange

The Southern Fire Exchange (SFE) is a boundary spanning organization that develops programs and works with partners to bridge the gap between the fire science and natural resource management communities. SFE exists to increase the availability and application of fire science information for natural resource managers and to serve as a conduit for fire managers to share their information needs with the science community. SFE is a collaborative hosted by Tall Timbers Research Station, the University of Florida, North Carolina State University and the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station. Funded by the Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP), SFE is a proud member of the nationwide network of Fire Science Exchanges.
For more information click here.

Southern Fire Exchange

Upland Ecosystem Restoration Project

The primary mission of the Upland Ecosystem Restoration Project (UERP) is to prioritize, design, and implement on-the-ground management to improve populations of bobwhites and other declining fire-dependent species on public lands throughout Florida. Since 2006, UERP has been an integral partner with the state’s four primary land management agencies (Florida Forest Service, Florida Park Service, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and the U. S. Forest Service). Guided by a steering committee comprised of agency leaders and Tall Timbers, UERP has successfully engaged its partners to address targeted land management practices and change management philosophy on over 190,000 acres of public land towards restoration of fire-dependent habitats. See figure at right.

Focal Properties Map