Paul Grimes hired as full-time game bird biologist for the Carolina region

The Tall Timbers Board of Trustees approved a full-time biologist position in the Carolinas as part of the recently updated Strategic Plan. Mr. Paul Grimes was selected for this position and began working full-time on January 16, 2018.

Paul grew up on the Georgia/South Carolina line and lives with his wife Rita and daughter Kathleen (Kati-Jo) near Augusta, Georgia. He earned his BS and MS Degrees in Forest Resources from the University of Georgia (UGA) in 2008 and 2012, respectively.  His thesis research focused on northern bobwhite population response to habitat improvements associated with red-cockaded woodpecker restoration efforts. Paul is no newcomer to Tall Timbers having served as an intern in Central Florida as part of a bobwhite research project. Since graduating from UGA, Paul worked for seven years at Ft. Gordon Army Base and then for three years as the project leader for the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division’s Bobwhite Quail Initiative. With extensive education and field experience Paul has excellent technical skills, including GIS and mapping, and a strong practical knowledge of managing and monitoring bobwhite habitats and populations. Last but certainly not least, he is an avid quail and upland bird hunter and a proven bird dog trainer! 

We are excited to have Paul join the Game Bird Program team and look forward to the future expansion of wild bobwhite lands in the Carolinas as a result. Paul can be contacted by phone at 706-825-0451 or email at

Paul Grimes


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