Private Lands Prescribed Fire Initiative
Fostering exemplary land stewardship for fire dependent ecosystems, working landscapes, and healthy forests
The Tall Timbers Private Lands Prescribed Fire Initiative has been established to deliver science-based technical guidance to private landowners in the areas of risk management, prescribed fire planning and implementation, smoke management, and burn prioritization.
Our focal area is the Longleaf Legacy Landscape of northwest Florida, southwest Georgia, and southeast Alabama where, through collaboration and planning, we will endeavor to help increase fire frequency on public and private conservation landscapes by taking advantage of the strongest existing fire culture in the nation and leveraging linkages with fire partners.

Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) are a new way Tall Timbers is working with landowners to help restore land with prescribed fire. You can learn more about the Tall Timbers supported PBAs and the areas they serve here.