Summer 2019 | Vol 12 | No 3
Safe Harbor Program Workshop Planned in the Albany Region
Private properties provide habitat for over 90% of the rare species found in the United States. Rare species on private lands have often led to some contentious battles, but a number of new programs now exist that benefit rare species and property owners collectively.
The Safe Harbor Program is one such program enjoying great popularity in the Red Hills region. The program is designed to promote growth of the imperiled Red-cockaded Woodpecker without infringing on private property rights. Over 140,000 acres are now enrolled in the program in the Red Hills region. The Red Hills woodpecker population has grown by about 15% as a result, and provided enhanced security for this iconic symbol of southern forests.
Tall Timbers is partnering with the Jones Ecological Research Center and Georgia DNR to host a special workshop to introduce landowners in the Albany region to the Safe Harbor Program. The number of reasons landowners sign up for the program are as varied as the landowners themselves. The goal of the workshop is to outline program mechanics through a field tour and short presentations. The many positives that often accompany this rare woodpecker will also be discussed.
The workshop takes place at the Jones Center at Ichuaway on Thursday, October 10 from 9-1. Registration is required to help plan for logistics and distribute materials beforehand. To register, please email Amy Allen; or call 850-893-4153 x249.