Stoddard Bird Lab


Monitoring Programs for Public Lands

The Stoddard Bird Lab has developed species-specific surveys for Bachman’s Sparrow and Brown-headed Nuthatch that are now used on public lands throughout the southeast. The surveys make use of recorded vocalizations and can be performed effectively without extensive training or bird identification skills » and yield useful information on habitat associations and population trends ».

Recent eBird Sightings on Tall Timbers

The Stevenson Bird Trail on Tall Timbers is open to the general public Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Red-cockaded Woodpeckers nest along the trail, and it’s also a great place to see Bachman’s Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Chat, White-breasted and Brown-headed Nuthatch, and other species. You can look over recent sightings and generate a check-list for the path by following this link to recent eBird reports.

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