Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteers are the life blood of any non-profit organization and Tall Timbers would like to recognize some of the volunteers that make our organization better. Our first featured volunteer is David Arnold.

David Arnold at the Gannet Pond Bird Watch with a visitor.

David recently retired from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). He came out for a Sunday afternoon Beadel House tour a few years ago and really enjoyed his interaction with the volunteers. He also renewed his acquaintance with Juanita Whiddon, a former FWC co-worker. She asked him to join the group and he came to the next monthly meeting.

As a long-time birder, he was a natural to take over the monthly Sunday afternoon tour stops at the Gannet Pond Bird Watch. David grew up along the Texas Gulf Coast with parents who got into birding when he was a teenager. He is a former president of the Apalachee Audubon Chapter and has also served on the Board of Directors. He enjoys pointing out birds at Tall Timbers to tour visitors, as well as explaining how important it is to have a variety of well-managed habitat types to support a diverse and healthy ecosystem.

David has also studied the history of Tall Timbers; he pitches in with other volunteers for special group tours of Tall Timbers’ historic buildings, and is a big help on volunteer “work days.”

Thank you, David!

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