We need your vote today, and every day until November 30 for Operation Outdoors

Theron Terhune talks about the importance of fire for land management at Tall Timbers

For their Future Forward Grant Contest,SportDOG Brand® has chosen the conservation project that Tall Timbers Outreach & Education Coordinator, Dr. Theron Terhune proposed, along with Dr. James Martin at Mississippi State University. Tall Timbers’ project,Operation Outdoors, was nominated as 1 of 7 projects to choose from to receive a $25,000 grant. The project receiving the most votes will be awarded the grant. To win the grant contest, we need your vote todayand every day until November 30.

About Operation Outdoors

The Operation Outdoors grant request is for developing and planning an intensive semester of outdoor education for young adults at the college/university level. Grant funds, if awarded, will go towards paying for travel of project planning partners (i.e., from Clemson University, Mississippi State University, Washington College, etc.), for course development, and to undergraduate students and young adults to offset costs incurred for university classes, such as Upland Avian Ecology, when visiting the field site. Project Outdoors allow students to visit field research stations, participate in research and learn about practical habitat management without paying the out-of-pocket expenses associated with field site visits.

How can you vote for Operation Outdoors?

To see the project proposal and to vote for it, please visit http://fff.sportdog.com/project/1/operation-outdoors/.

You can start voting today and can vote once every day until November 30. You can also vote at the SportDOG™ contest page on their website: www.sportdog.com/FFF.

Visit their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SportDOGBrand, or follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SportDOGBrand

Why should you vote for our grant proposal?

Voting for Operation Outdoors enhances conservation and natural resource education for young adults by bringing them into the outdoors for a practical, hands-on research and education experience at Tall Timbers. The intent of the project is to foster the integration of hunting and game management into education. The ultimate goal of this project is to conserve and protect upland and grassland ecosystems, the species inhabiting them, and retaining the hunting legacy. Students will leave the program as effective upland bird biologists, well-versed in habitat management, and the ability to educate others on these topics. We believe this will have a cascading effect such that our culture of upland hunting will be preserved for future generations. PLEASE vote for Operation Outdoors!

Why did SportDOG™ have a contest?

SportDOG™ and their families enjoy many of the same hunting opportunities and outdoor activities as their customers. As a result, they recognize the importance of wise conservation and habitat-enhancement initiatives. SportDOG supports conservation efforts by contributing time and funding to projects that ensure hunters will have wild places to hunt wild game for generations to come. From habitat-enhancement projects at the local level to partnerships with some of the most proactive and respected national conservation organizations, SportDOG is proud to contribute.

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