Quail Hunting Properties Job Board

Job Board Posting Request

Please complete the fields below to post your job opening. Please note that all fields are required and the form does not include spell check.

We work to get your job posting up quickly (usually 24-48 hours), but please be patient. This site is intended only for job postings on Private Wild Quail Hunting Properties in the Southeast which may explain why your posting does not appear. If you have a question or are experiencing a longer delay, please email Jobs@TallTimbers.org. Posting requests with language that may be perceived as inappropriate will not be posted.

To close your job posting when it is filled or no longer needed, please visit our close a job page.

    Contact Information




    These will not be displayed in your public job posting and are only included so we can contact you if needed. Your public contact info will be included at the end in the “How to Apply” section.

    Job Information


    Name of organization hiring (property name, family, company…)

    Job Title

    Descriptive titles help job seekers see your post

    Job Location

    Provide county name and state abbreviation... Thomas, GA

    Type of Employment

    Select full time, part time, seasonal, or internship from dropdown the menu


    Identify hourly rate range or annual salary range based your need. Negotiable, based on experience, volunteer or other non-number descriptions are ok.


    Completed when the job is posted- this helps job seekers see how long the job has been up.

    Does this job have a deadline?

    Job Category

    Select the category that best fits the job. This is not displayed on the job board. It is used to help our partners assess workforce development needs.

    Minimum Education

    Job Description

    Let job seekers know what they would be doing, this is also a good location to mention any benefits (300 word limit).

    Other Qualifications

    List other qualifications (none, certifications, equipment experience, horseback riding, or any specific qualifications the job seeker should have before applying).

    How to Apply

    Provide directions on how you would like job seekers to apply. Make sure to provide details on what they should send (letter of interest, resume, any documentation of qualifications...) and how they should send it (email address, physical address, website...). Providing a phone contact for inquiries is also an appropriate option.

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