Last November, I had the opportunity to participate in the African Dendrochronological FieldSchool (ADF) in Livingstone, Zambia. I was invited to go by Tall Timbers post-doc Dr. Nicole Zampieri, who organizes and teaches at the field school, that I work closely with....
Forestry Research
The tradeoffs of balancing quail and timber
If the goal is to balance timber, quail, other wildlife and aesthetics, it is worth knowing that there are trade-offs for mixing management strategies.
Study: The impact of differing ground disturbance intensities
Mechanical ground disturbance can change the plant composition in fire-dependent pine communities, sometimes permanently degrading or eliminating native plants if they are repeatedly disturbed. A recently published study by Tall Timbers Fire Ecologists Cinnamon Dixon...
Get hyped for hyperspectral: A new frontier in mapping Florida’s landscapes
Cutting-edge technology is helping researchers more accurately map landscapes, differentiate between different ecosystems and assess conservation values from afar.
Roller chopping vs mowing: The impact of cutting hunting lanes
There are pros and cons associated with how you cut your hunting courses and block the woods. We weigh the differences between roller chopping and mowing.
August is Cogongrass treatment time
If you have cogongrass on your property, now is the time to start treating it with herbicide.
Invasive grass control in upland pine forests
Bahia and Bermuda grass are invasive, exotic, sod forming grasses which develop into low-quality habitat for bobwhite and other wildlife. Read our tips for controlling their spread.
Maybe next year: 2024 longleaf cone crop outlook not great
The 2024 longleaf pine cone crop report is out and it spells out a poor year for those valued pine seeds.
Assessing your fire: Yes, you should do a post-burn evaluation
Examining information collected from fires at the end of the season can also shape tweaks to burn block prescriptions and can also be a good way to approach reducing potential costs of post-burn treatments.
Study: Thinning pines can help your stand weather hurricanes
Hurricanes can wreak havoc on pine plantings in the Southeast, but they can provide a unique opportunity to learn about timber management.
Managing overstory is vital to bobwhite, timber health
This updated article is based on content originally published in the Tall Timbers Bobwhite Quail Management Handbook Managing the overstory on a property can be the most important decision made by a landowner, as it affects not only habitat suitable for bobwhite quail...
How to: Reintroduction of flames in a fire-excluded landscape
This infrared image clearly illustrates how duff layers at the base of pine trees can smolder long after the surface fire has passed. Long-term residual heat can damage or kill these trees Southern pine stands that have undergone fire exclusion become overgrown and...