Tall Timber researchers study dendrochronology in Africa

Jan 7, 2025

Last November, I had the opportunity to participate in the African Dendrochronological FieldSchool (ADF) in Livingstone, Zambia.  I was invited to go by Tall Timbers post-doc Dr. Nicole Zampieri, who organizes and teaches at the field school, that I work closely with.

The field school was comprised of 10 participants from 8 different nations. ADF allows participants to complete a research project from start to finish with field work, analysis, report writing and presentation of findings over the course of ten days. The field school is hosted by the Copperbelt University (Kitwe, Zambia) with expert facilitators from around the world.

On the first night of the field school, after an introductory lecture and explanations of the different projects, the participants chose whether they wanted to work on an ecology or climate focused project.

As an ecologist, I chose the dendroecology group, to better understand how to use dendrochronology to answer ecological questions. The dendroecology group had the goal of determining stand age, structure, and diversity in a Baikiaea (Baikiaea plurijuga, African teak) woodland. Since these ecosystems are heavily degraded and deforested, we lack a complete understanding of their ecological processes.

After spending a day scoping out our field site, we set out to conduct our field work. The day we spent in the field in Livingstone was one of the most challenging days in the field I have ever had. The temperature was around 100°F without a cloud in the sky, we were constantly swarmed by so many flies it was hard to think or breathe (or try to do field work for that matter).

The open canopy provided no shade to protect us from the sun. Looking back, while the conditions were miserable, it was incredible to be working in an ecosystem I had never been in with new people from around the world.

Tall Timbers biologist Erin Wachter and post-doc Dr. Nicole Zampieri in Zambia.

As for our project, to gain a better understanding of the ecological history of Baikiaea forests, we established a plot network in a local stand, where we collected samples (tree cores) and took site measurements. Our measurements allowed us to look at stand diversity, density, and basal area.

After field work, samples were taken back to the “lab” for processing. Our makeshift lab space was in the conference hall of a small lodge, equipped with generator powered fans, to accommodate for the drought-related nation-wide lack of power (and air conditioning.)

Over the next few days, I spent long days in the lab sanding, scanning and cross dating samples to begin to understand stand dynamics. Dr. Zampieri mentored the group and led analysis efforts by explaining how to run code to analyze the data we collected and create figures that show composition and structure changes over time.

Our group found a slight shift in species composition over time and increased tree establishment in the mid-20th century.

After a few long days in the lab our group travelled to Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park for a safari tour. We were able to observe elephants, giraffes, crocodiles, hippos, rhinos, zebras, and more in their natural habitat.

To stretch our legs, we got out of our vehicles to go on a “rhino walk”, to observe a group of rhinos hanging out in the shade. We were able to get within a few feet of the rhinos and even saw a baby rhino.

During our morning tea break next to the Zambezi River, monkeys tried to steal our snacks, but our fearless facilitators fought them off. Our group also spent time at Victoria Falls, the world’s largest waterfall. While we didn’t see as much wildlife here, we did see baboons that enjoyed stealing peoples’ belongings that were briefly set down.

Dr. Zampieri is proud of her involvement in this initiative and looks forward to continued iterations of the field school.

Her work in Zambia includes NSF-funded research into dendroclimatological precipitation reconstruction, hopefully shedding light on drought dynamics and spreading awareness about the extreme and unprecedented drought conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. The field school is designed to build capacity for dendrochronological research across the African continent and should facilitate greater scientific advancement.

On the final day of the field school, each group presented their research to the other participants, facilitators, and faculty members from the Copperbelt University.

Through this opportunity I was able to work in a new ecosystem I have never seen before and gain a deeper understanding of tree-ring research.

I hope to use what I learned at ADF to incorporate dendrochronology into my own research at Tall Timbers to further understand the historical ecological processes that happen in the Red Hills region.

Throughout this experience, I was constantly amazed by my surroundings, but more so the hospitality and generosity of the Zambian people. Everyone went out of their way to welcome me and teach me about Zambian culture. This was truly an incredible experience and something I will never forget.



About the Author
Erin Wachter
Originally from Virginia, Erin graduated with her Bachelors and Masters degrees from Virginia Tech. Since then, she has worked in the Fire Research Lab at Tall Timbers. In her current role, as a Biologist, her work focuses on wildland fire-related tree mortality and subsequent regeneration in ecosystems across the United States. Erin's favorite tree is the eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis).
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