A new film by the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) highlights the work of several organizations to restore healthy forests across the U.S.
Released in mid-May, Good Fire, Bad Fire Inside the Race to Restore America’s Forests, delves into the role of active management in combatting the growing size and intensity of wildfires, primarily in the western states.
It also explores the history of forest ecology and management from Indigenous peoples to Smokey Bear to the current work in restoring forests utilizing techniques such as thinning and prescribed fire.
The film’s release was coupled with a panel discussion in Bozeman, Montana which included Tall Timbers’ Director of Research Morgan Varner.
A podcast by Mountain & Prairie also captured the live discussion by the panel. Listen to it here
The film and panel discussion further build on the relationship between PERC and Tall Timbers.
The two organizations partnered in 2023 on the Burn Back Better report which analyzed 11 western state fire policies and provided focused recommendations to help increase private lands prescribed fire to benefit forest resilience, community protection and environmental conservation.
Watch Good Fire, Bad Fire Inside the Race to Restore America’s Forests below.