Harold Odom − Longtime Volunteer Passes

Harold Odom

The death of Harold Odom on February 11, 2016 brought sadness to volunteers and staff of Tall Timers who had worked with Harold for the last twenty years.  Harold was special among our volunteers because he had lived at Tall Timbers from 1929 to 1934 when his father, Ralph Odom, was assistant manager to T. P. Strickland.  He had wonderful stories about Harry and Genevieve Beadel. 

As one of his projects, he transcribed the diaries from those years that the Odom family lived on Tall Timbers.  He did several programs for our volunteers about Tall Timbers during the Depression Era.  Harold loved doing tours at Tall Timbers, and those visitors fortunate enough to be on one of this tours got a rich taste of what life was like on a Red Hills hunting plantation during the 1930s.

Harold was a generous volunteer too.  Harold’s mother and Mrs. Genevieve Beadel became good friends, and Mrs. Beadel gave her several things from the house.  Harold donated these items to Tall Timbers.  They include:  the old light fixture for the original dining room, a French pottery planter, and a bone handle carving set.

Plans for a memorial plaque are incomplete at this time, but we want to recognize Harold for his service to Tall Timbers.      

Photo of Harold Odom by Beate Sass.          

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