Summer 2015 | Vol 8 | No 3
Join Us for the 18th Annual Kate Ireland Memorial Dinner & Auction
The 18th Annual Kate Ireland Memorial Dinner & Auction will be held Sunday evening, September 20, 2015 at Pebble Hill Plantation – Uno Hill Barn, Thomas County, Georgia, and will be catered by Liam’s Restaurant of Thomasville, GA. The festivities include a cocktail reception, a silent and live auction, and a Red Hills Region inspired dinner. Tall Timbers is so honored to have The Kate Ireland Foundation and North Florida Animal Hospital as presenting sponsors for this year’s event. These presenting sponsors along with our event sponsors, guests, and donors are essential to successfully fulfilling our mission.
Named in honor of one of Tall Timbers’ most treasured supporter, the Kate Ireland Memorial Dinner & Auction is a fundraising event held annually benefitting Tall Timbers Foundation, Inc., for Tall Timbers research and conservation programs. This event attracts bidders not only from within the Red Hills Region, but due to auction items unique to this event, our auction attracts a national audience. Each year the auction features an inspiring collection of world class artwork, unparalleled hunting and fishing opportunities, and unique offerings from the Red Hills Region and beyond. The auction will also available online; going live on September 1, and closing on September 18, when all bids will be transferred to the evening of the event for final bids.
If you would like more information on the online auction, please contact the Development Office at (850) 893-4153, x 249.
To register for the event, click here.