Quail Enthusiasts Brave the Weather to Attend the Carolina Fall Field Day

October 26, 2018 in Heath Springs, South Carolina was a cold, rainy, wet day. But that didn’t stop the 125 quail enthusiasts from the Carolinas who attended the Tall Timbers’ Carolina Fall Field Day event at Heatherstone Farm.

Heatherstone Farm

Heatherstone Farm is a unique property managed for wild quail in upstate South Carolina, where careful attention and focus have been given to achieve optimal habitat conditions for wild birds. Attendees enjoyed presentations centered on adapting quail management techniques to the unique challenges of the Carolinas, along with quail chick ecology and other current research conducted in the Tall Timbers’ Game Bird Program. Presentations were followed by a panel discussion where Tall Timbers’ biologists responded to specific questions and comments by attendees.

Special thanks goes to the owner, Mr. Tom Ewing and to David Gantt of Springdale Land and Game Management, LLC for hosting the Tall Timbers’ Carolina Fall Field Day under less than favorable weather conditions, and for the incredible contributions they continue to make towards conservation and wild quail management in the Carolinas.

And, many  thanks to the following sponsors who supported the Carolina Field Day: Ag South Farm Credit, ArborOne Farm Credit, Springdale Land & Game Management, American Forest Management, Milliken Forestry, Fralo Farms Wildlife Catering, McCrary Inc., Boykin Tree Farm, CDKA, Elgin Feed & Garden Center, Wannamaker Wildlife, Inc., and Mr. Richard Rankin.

Carolina Field Day Album

Tom Ewing

David Gantt

At left, Heatherstone Farms landowner, Tom Ewing; at right, David Gantt of Springdale Land and Game Managment


Paul Grimes

At left, field day attendees; at right, Paul Grimes, game bird biologist for the Carolina Regional Quail Project gave the attendees an update on quail research in the region

Panel discussion

L-R: landowner Tom Ewing, Game Bird Program Director, Theron Terhune, and David Ganett of Springdale Land and Game Management answer questions during the panel discussion

Waiting for Wagon Tour

Attendees wait for a break in the weather to tour the property listen to the panel discussion

On the Wagon Tour

Wagon tour stop. Paul Grimes discussed land management that has been conducted to improve habitat for wild quail. Unfortunatley, the wet weather curtailed the wagon tour.


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