Tall Timbers Scientists Partner with the Southern Fire Exchange to Share Information

Tall Timbers scientists partnered with the Southern Fire Exchange this spring to share cutting-edge fire science research and information through a series of free online webinars. The webinars covered topics ranging from an introduction to prescribed fire to the latest in research on longleaf pine forest ecology and fire behavior modeling.  The Southern Fire Exchange (SFE) is a fire science communication and delivery partnership led by Tall Timbers, the University of Florida, NC State University and the USFS Southern Research Station with funding provided by grants from the federal Joint Fire Science Program. The webinars were part of an effort by SFE to increase virtual training opportunities for prescribed burners and wildland fire managers during COVID-19. Combined the four successful webinars reached over 880 attendees from all over the Southeast and across the world. The webinar presentations have been recorded and are now available for viewing on the Southern Fire Exchange YouTube Channel.

The Case for Prescribed Fire Science – Dr. Morgan Varner

Longleaf Pine Forest Patch Dynamics – Dr. Kevin Robertson

QUIC-Fire: A Fast-Running Simulation Tool for Prescribed Fire Planning – Kevin Hiers

Prescribed Fire 101 – A Foundation in Ecology and Practice – Dr. Kevin Robertson

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