Summer 2018 | Vol 11 No 3
Vote “Yes” for Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment
Tall Timbers is urging its members and friends to vote “yes” this November for passage of the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment. This is a historic opportunity to protect Georgia’s waters and lands. Georgia’s economy and quality of life are directly tied to both the water quality of our rivers, lakes and streams and the availability and beauty of our outdoor spaces, wildlife habitats and parks.
If passed by voters this fall, the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act would provide for the dedication of up to 80% of the existing sales and use tax on outdoor sporting goods with an initial dedicated amount of approximately $20 million annually. The legislation would sunset after ten years, with the option to be renewed.
If passed, this funding would:
Protect lands critical to clean drinking water and the quality of Georgia’s lakes, rivers and streams
Acquire and improve parks and trails for children, families and outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy in communities throughout the state
Maintain and improve access to wildlife management areas and create new opportunities for hunting and fishing
Support Georgia’s $27 billion outdoor recreation industry and the jobs it and the other economic sectors that rely upon access to land and water create
This bill received strong bipartisan support in the Georgia General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Deal in May “because of the positive impact it could have on communities throughout our state without creating any new fees or raising any taxes. If the voters agree, this funding will be used to protect invaluable natural resources while ensuring that children, families and outdoor enthusiasts have parks, wildlife management areas and other outdoor spaces to enjoy for generations to come,” said Representative Sam Watson of Moultrie, the bill’s primary sponsor.
Only projects approved by the Department of Natural Resources and consistent with the state’s established goals for conservation would be eligible for the funding, which will be subject to strict accountability provisions.
A recent poll commissioned by the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Coalition indicated that eight in 10 Georgians agree that a portion of the existing state sales tax on outdoor recreation equipment should be constitutionally dedicated to land conservation. We hope you agree and support this important amendment.
Learn more at www.georgiaoutdoorstewardship.org
Follow on Facebook @georgiaoutdoorstewardship