September 2014 | Vol 7 | No 3
Tall Timbers Endorses Florida’s Amendment 1
Tall Timbers joins other leading conservation organizations in endorsing the Florida Water and Land Conservation Initiative, Amendment 1 on the November 4, 2014 ballot. The purpose of the Amendment is to provide a stable, dedicated funding source for the acquisition of land or purchase conservation easements. The measure, if approved by voters would dedicate 33 percent of net revenues from the existing excise tax on documents to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund for 20 years. The Fund would be able to acquire, restore, improve, and manage conservation lands including lands protecting water resources and drinking water sources, forests, fish and wildlife habitats, recreational trails and parks, rural landscapes including working farms and ranches. The Tall Timbers Board recommends that where appropriate, these conservation and recreational lands should include opportunities for hunting on public lands.
Allison DeFoor, former advisor to Gov. Jeb Bush, remarked “Without pristine waters and unspoiled landscapes, Florida will lose the special appeal that has fueled our growth and prosperity…Amendment 1 ensures that our state dedicates adequate dollars into the most essential of public goods- protecting our waters and conserving our lands; it “lives within our means” by ensuring that taxes aren’t raised to do so; and it provides an earnest return on investment for generations to come…”. Tall Timbers urges its supporters to VOTE YES on AMENDMENT 1.
For more information on Amendment 1 go to: http://www.voteyeson1fl.org/