Scenes from the Red Hills IV at the Webster Gallery

The fall exhibit at Tall Timbers’ Webster Gallery has traditionally been paintings set in our Red Hills region. This year over 20 artists have submitted more than 30 paintings dealing with some of the plants, animals, buildings, and activities in this South Georgia and north Florida setting. Make plans to see what these talented and imaginative artists have displayed in the second floor Beadel House gallery.*

The exhibit will open September 10, 2017, and will remain up until November 10, 2017. There will be a “Meet the Artists” reception on Sunday, September 10 from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the historic Beadel House.

*There is currently no lift to the second floor, the gallery must be accessed by stairs. Gallery hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. during the exhibit.

Below is a selection from the upcoming exhibit. Hover over the image with your cursor for the name of the artist/painting.

Pines by Jean Hancock     Morning by M Holland

Lean on Me by Bill McKeown     Pitcher Plant_Lynn3

Florida Woods by Yoshiko Murdick

Their Walk by Yoshiko Murdick

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