Tall Timbers Needs Your Membership Support

With only a few short weeks left in 2013, our annual Membership campaign is drawing to a close. To support our research, conservation and education programs we have a goal of $425,000 for the year. With your help, we can reach that goal. Please consider renewing your membership today. You can do so securely online at: http://www.talltimbers.org/membership.html. If you have already done so, we hope that you might consider giving a gift of membership to a friend or colleague that you think would enjoy the benefits of becoming a member.

In this time of giving, we wish to give thanks to each and every one of you who have given of your time, talents and treasure to Tall Timbers in 2013.

Happy Holidays!

Beadel House Living Room

The Beadel House living room decorated for the holidays. Sunday, December 8 at 2:15 there will be a tour of the Beadel House and Jones Family Tenant Farm. Come see the rest of the house dressed for Christmas.

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