April/May 2014 | Vol 7 | No 2
Art and Archaeology Day at the Jones Family Tenant Farm
By Juanita Whiddon, Archivist and Historical Resources Manager
Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy partnered with the Tallahassee Watercolor Society (TAWS) to host a group of approximately 30 students on April 26 for Art and Archaeology Day. The group enjoyed an interactive learning experience, combining science and art at the Jones Family Tenant Farm site. Working with project archaeologist, Ross Morell, students learned how to excavate artifacts from the site. At another station, they recorded artifacts in their journals with the assistance of TAWS volunteers. They also toured the farm house, corn crib, and syrup-making operation on the property with volunteers from Tall Timbers Historic Resources program.
Dig site at the Tenant Farm.
At the cleaning station, examining object found at the dig site.
Students sketching with Tallahassee Watercolor Society volunteers at the art station.