Photography volunteer, Beate Sass, exhibits photos taken at Tall Timbers

By Rose Rodriguez, Information Services Director

L-R, Yvonne Jones Dorsey with Beate Sass at exhibit opening.Tall Timbers is fortunate in the dedication and talents of it volunteers. Beate Sass is one of our volunteers who has lent her photographic talents to Tall Timbers on several occasions: Open House, the Naturalists’ Ball, and History and Archaeology Day; she even took the most recent photo of our Board of Trustee for the Annual Report. Of special interest to her, however, are the tenant families who lived on Tall Timbers during its time as a hunting plantation and the stories they have to tell; the Jones Family Tenant Farm; and the architecture and artifacts of the Beadel House, the home of Tall Timbers Research Station benefactor, Henry Beadel. Beate has taken many outstanding photographs of these subjects, creating a portfolio she calls Tall Timbers Plantation.

The fine quality of her photography has been recognized by LeMoyne Center for the Visual Arts in Tallahassee. The black and white photos of her Tall Timbers Plantation project were chosen for LeMoyne’s Dog Days – Summer in the South Photographers Interpretation exhibit. The portfolio on exhibit is grouped as follows: Portraits (photos combined into diptychs, with the left panel being of the individual and the right panel of an object special to them); The Jones Family Tenant Farm, The Landscape, and Light, Form and Expression in the Beadel House.

The exhibit opened June 6 and will continue through June 24. To view Beate’s photography, including the photos that are in the LeMoyne exhibit, visit her web site: For gallery hours and more information about LeMoyne, visit their web site:

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Geraldine Jones Thompson

Geraldine Jones Thompson stands in front of her portrait and that of her brother, Richard Jones, at the exhibit opening. Photos by Rose Rodriguez.

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