Vol 5 | No 3 | August 2012
The Prescribed Fire Training Center is holding a Workshop for Resource Specialists – Dec 2 – 7, 2012
Resource Specialists, which may include but are not limited to: Wildlife Biologists, Hydrologists, Range Managers, Forestry and Silviculture Specialists and Techs, Land Managers, Botanists, Archeologists, and any discipline that may benefit or be affected by the presence/absence of fire.
Course Objectives
This workshop’s flexible curriculum is based on the participant’s expectations. The schedule is a combination of classroom presentations, discussions, projects and field trips to various managed areas with active fire programs. The overarching goals are to pro-mote the attendee’s knowledge of fire as a management tool and to engage the resource specialist’s active participation in a prescribed fire program by:
Facilitating the exchange of experience and knowledge among and between cadre and participants
Identifying the differences in fire effects between prescribed fire and wildfire
Exposing participants to resource management programs that are successfully con-ducting a burn program through an interdisciplinary approach
Addressing fire utilization for resource benefit. Discussing concerns and mitigation steps necessary to incorporate resource needs with fire program needs.
The Workshop will be held in Florida, the location to be determined by weather and field activity opportunities. However, field trips will be taken in a variety of sites and management agencies.
Application Deadline is October 25, 2012.For Additional Information and Application Form Visit the PFTC Website http://www.fws.gov/fire/pftc/
Greg Seamon, Fire Training Specialist, 850.523.8631 (office); 850.556.8613 (cell); gseamon@tnc.org