Vol. 4 | No. 6 | December 2011
Tall Timbers holds South Carolina Field Day
The South Carolina Quail Project (SCQP) held its Fall Field Day, Friday, Nov. 11 at historic Groton Plantation near Estill, South Carolina. Nearly 200 people attended the field day to hear presentations by family members Rob Winthrop and Robert Bonnie, the manager of Groton, Wes Smith, and SCQP Coordinator Jerald Sholar. One of the key points of the meeting was to demonstrate the management activities necessary to sustain high quality wild bobwhite hunting in South Carolina. Groton has more than proven that wild bobwhite hunting can succeed in South Carolina.
Through the skillful application of modern quail management techniques promoted by Tall Timbers, Groton is experiencing exceptional quail populations and hunting success. We greatly appreciate the effort put forth by the owners and staff of Groton towards making our third South Carolina Field Day a memorable one.
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