Vol. 4 | No. 6 | December 2011
Tall Timbers Web site re-designed
By Rose Rodriguez, Information Services Manager
If you have visited Tall Timbers Web site this fall, and have also visited it in the past, you will have noticed that the home page has been totally re-designed. We hope you like the new, clean look and that navigation will be even easier than before. If you haven’t visited our Web site in a while or ever, please take a look and let us know what you think: http://www.talltimbers.org/.
The top menu bar has been changed; an Outreach tab has been added to reflect Tall Timbers focus on new outreach and education activities. In the upper right corner are quick links to the Fire Research, Land Management and Quail Research sections. And, each program’s submenu (that you drop down from the menu bar) now appears on each page of its section. Each program has updated their section with the latest research findings and conservation information.
There are several new features on the home page. Next to the new slide show, there are links under the headings What We’re Learning and More to Explore. Previous links, such as the one for the E.V. Komarek Fire Ecology Database, can be found there. The Other News & Events section, will feature current news. You can now subscribe to Tall Timbers E-News from the home page, and there is an online store link and link to information on renting parts of the property for events.
Finally, new video profiles of some of our research and conservation staff have been produced a new page on the site called Stewards of Wildlife and Wildlands. The link can be found under the More to Explore heading or check them out here: http://www.talltimbers.org/stewards-video.html.
Tall Timbers thanks John E. Phipps for his generous donation that enabled us to re-design our Web site and to produce the video profiles.